
4 reasons to remodel your pool

Unfortunately, after a certain time and due to constant contact with water, certain components of your pool can wear out, which leads to failure of the cleaning mechanisms, leaks due to damage to the concrete, among other situations that make you call a pool remodeling in San Antonio specialist to change or modernize your pool.

If you are still reluctant to a pool remodeling in San Antonio, today we will give you four reasons to change your mind. Join us to get to know them:

Pool remodeling in San Antonio | 4 reasons to remodel your pool
1 Savings on the electricity bill Many of the mechanisms that were used in swimming pools 10 years ago (or more) have become practically obsolete, and not because they no longer work, but because there are technological innovations that will save you in the long term: LED lights that consume up to five times less energy, cleaning systems and intelligent waste filter, solar panels to avoid using traditional electricity and take advantage of photovoltaic energy to heat water, use new pumps that conduct more water with less energy consumption, among others.
2 Change of filtering systems

The pool remodeling in San Antonio specialists know that the filter is one of the most important components, since they prevent the water from being contaminated; But, when they do not work properly, their function begins to take longer and they may require chemicals to clean the pool, which in the long run damages the health of your loved ones.

3 Changing worn finishes

Maybe your pool and its components work wonderfully, but pool finishes tend to wear out in the sun and water, losing their color. In general, these are replaced every 5 or 6 years, depending on the material you chose, the care provided and the type of climate. The renewal of the materials can lead to a different design, with which it seems that you are opening a new pool.


A pool remodeling in San Antonio is cheaper if done on time

Remodeling can be simple and inexpensive if done in time, before structural damage occurs that aggravates the situation and makes the work of specialists more expensive.
The cost of a pool remodeling in San Antonio varies according to the size of the pool, the damages to be repaired (if any), the new technology to be implemented, extensions or new materials in the finishes.

If you are thinking of remodeling your pool, contact us! At Style Swimming Pools we are specialists in pool remodeling in San Antonio and we will gladly help you give your pool a second life. 

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